Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bali Butterfly Park

bali butterfly park
Bali Butterfly Park is located in Banjar Sandan Lebah, Wanasari village, about 7 km from Tabanan capital city. Bali Butterfly Park was built on 1996 on 1 hectare land using nets to keep the butterflies still inside.

In Bali Butterfly Park, there are many species of butterfly from around the south east Asia. They create a large garden with many flower to make the butterflies breed in a good way. Beside that, the visitor also visible to
see the scorpions, beetles, tarantula etc.

This park is quit good to visit for combine your tour package to Bedugul and Jatiluwih. Why don't you stop in Bali Butterfly Park and take many picture of butterflies from the usually found until the rare one. The ticket to come here around Rp 50.000/person.

tips: better come when the weather is sunny! when cloudy or possible to rain don't visit it. cause it will be hard to find the butterfly.

tag: Bali Park, butterfly park, bali zoo, best bali park, bali butterfly park

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